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Part One 1

Can AI write good marketing copy? Part 1 - Our white paper

What the rise of generative AI means for content creation

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5 tips for creating presentations or speeches that persuade and inspire

Find out how to craft engaging and persuasive speeches and PowerPoint presentations with these five tips from Ascribe’s writing and editing team.

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Part Two

Can AI write good marketing copy? Part 2 - ChatGPT's white paper

We asked AI what it thinks of the rise of generative AI for content creation

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Part Three

Can AI write good marketing copy? Part 3 - Our comparison

We compared our white paper with that written by ChatGPT

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Five benefits of outsourced writing support

Corporate marketing content needs to be developed faster and for more platforms than ever before. But it isn't always feasible or recommended to have in-house writers. The solution: outsourced writing support.

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A white paper on white papers

How they work, what they do best and where they fit into your marketing mix

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Why even great writing needs editorial review

We ask for second opinions all the time. From medical diagnoses to cooking, they can give us the confidence we’re on the right track — or help us reset if we’ve gotten off-course. Writing is no different.

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Why tone of voice matters in marketing communications

In a crowded marketplace, having a unique tone of voice is a powerful tool that any company can use to set itself apart. But developing and applying a unique tone of voice is easier said than done.

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What constitutes “quality” in content?

Discover what makes good content stand out from the rest. Ascribe can help you deliver top-quality writing that resonates with your audience.

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The four kinds of copyediting — and how they’re applied

Discover the difference between substantive editing, stylistic editing, copyediting and proofreading — and how Ascribe can help you take the content prepared by your in-house team to the next level.

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